Greensylvania is an entrepreneurial story which began out of mindfulness towards nature alongside a passion of showcasing the beauty of Transylvania to the world through its already well-known or less known cyclist routes. From chill mode to downhill, from the (re)discovery of Transylvania to seeking fairy-tale like villages, Greensylvania proposes a series of routes tailored for any type of tourist, whether an urban exploratory type or an adventurer type in search of adrenaline.

Greensylvania joins all other slow-tourism initiatives already present in Romania, offering tourism packages containing super premium electric bicycles thus one’s two-wheel experience is anchored in the century we live in. As Transylvania is already a very attractive destination amongst tourists, both international and local, Greensylvania becomes another piece of the touristic puzzle aiming to tell stories from lesser known regions and introduce one to paths less walked.

 One of the main project components is the encouragement of the local communities to become entrepreneurs through the promotion of their local crafts, as local communities and the passions of tourists for sport and beautiful landscapes are combined by the Greensylvania initiative and converge into adding value to the already rich natural heritage that Transylvania possess. E-bikes are the ones shaping the experience, offering comfort, ultra-modern mobility while also focusing on being sustainable as well as environmentally friendly. We do encourage the offline use of the E-bikes, however, are main goal is to raise awareness and stimulate conversations about this greenside of velo tourism through exploring nature.